This week, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that Apple has postponed rolling out a significant Telegram upgrade for an undisclosed reason. Durov stated that Apple complained about the new animated emoji featured in the app. The update has since been authorized in the iOS App Store.
There are several new features in the most recent version of Telegram’s iOS app, especially for Premium subscribers. Users can, for instance, limit voice messages and even give someone a Telegram Premium subscription as a present. The new emoji panel, which also adds new animated emoji, is the most significant addition to this version, though.
Incoming animated emoji for Telegram
Although Telegram currently offers certain animated emojis, the platform is now developing this function further. Users can now include numerous animated emojis in their messages, when before just individual animated emojis could be sent. The software provides a variety of “Telemoji” packs, as these new animated emoji are known.
And that’s where the Apple scenario comes into play. Durov asserts that Apple has ordered that the platform delete Telemoji from the upgrade in a recent post on his Telegram channel. That’s because one of the new packs significantly resembled the original iOS emoji while using Telegram animations.
Comparing Telemoji to the “static low-resolution emoji” that are already featured in iOS, Durov claims that Telemoji “would have brought an entirely new dimension.” Apple, according to the CEO of Telegram, is against “better resolution vector-animated versions of the regular emoji.”
The App Store review team has given their approval to the Telegram update featuring Telemoji. However, this version currently lacks the animated emoji set that was based on Apple’s visual style. Long-term, this will spur Telegram to make Telemoji even more “distinct and unmistakable,” according to Durov.
It’s important to note that while anybody can view Telemoji in messages, only Premium subscribers can send them. On the App Store, Telegram is free to download, but iOS users must pay $4.99 a month for the Premium subscription.
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