The nominations are set in stone. Michael used his Veto Power to get his ‘ride or die’ Brittany off the block. As the week’s final nominations, HoH Turner has placed Kyle alongside Taylor.
Michael was Turner’s target until he won the veto, and Kyle’s divisive remarks were brought to light by Michael and Brittany, who are also in hot water with some of the houseguests. Some question the timing of their revelation and whether it was a deliberate strategy.
Terrance shot pool with Kyle after the meeting and then spoke with Monte in one of the bedrooms about Kyle’s situation. He pondered whether they should use the show to educate Kyle.
“I was just racking my brain last night about this whole situation, just everything, and I know it will be an unpopular opinion, but I am really thinking about the ramifications of him (Kyle) leaving.” My thought process, and you can correct me, is that we should send him away… “Does that make a difference in his mind?” Terrance addressed Monte.
“It doesn’t give him a chance to shift.” Would it be a better opportunity for him to stay and grow, possibly progressing his thought process, in my opinion? “To give him the opportunity to change the stigma that he carries,” Terrance explained. “Kicking him out is a simple move. Allowing him to play the game is the more difficult move. The issue I’m having with that process is that Taylor is up against him. Mike’s use of the veto over Brittany seemed odd to me.”
“We all saw it coming from a mile away,” Monte joked.
Terrance expected Michael to use his veto and fade into the background rather than potentially causing more waves.
“On top of that, Brittany has yet to be evicted on a single eviction night.” “You raise a valid point,” Monte said of Terrance’s desire to “navigate all options, even unpopular ones.”
Monte was just wondering if they would be able to trust Kyle after everything that had happened.
“That’s the only thing I have trouble with.” “How do I know it isn’t me if it isn’t Michael based on the evidence I’ve seen so far?” He stated.
When Monte walked away from Terrance, he addressed the cameras, live feed viewers, and his family.
“It’s been a fascinating 48 hours.” I’m not sure I even want to talk about it. I honestly don’t know. I’m attempting to be progressive. I’m attempting to alter the narrative. “I just feel like if you do something different in a moment, you might see some kind of change,” Terrance explained.
Global TV broadcasts Big Brother USA three times per week. It airs on Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), with Julie Chen Moonves hosting the live eviction show.
To watch the most recent episodes, go here.
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