Maisie Williams revealed that her father’s actions contributed to her having a “traumatic” childhood.
The “Game of Thrones” actress revealed on Monday’s episode of “The Diary of a CEO” podcast that she had a horrible relationship with her father when she was a small child before the age of eight.
My upbringing was really absorbed by [the bond]. She said, “Ever since I can remember, I’ve had trouble sleeping, and I think a lot of the horrific things that were happening, I didn’t recognise that they were wrong.
The now-25-year-old former child actor claimed that as a result of her upbringing, she felt cut off from her peers.
“I used to look at the other children and think, ‘Why don’t they seem to comprehend this sorrow, this dread, or this fear? When does that joy arrive for me, and where does it originate from?
The “Pistols” actor claimed during the interview that she “felt extremely intensely in comparison to other people” as a young child.
Williams mentioned that her mother, Hilary Pitt Frances, was able to “leave” from her father when the television personality was just four months old, though she did not go into detail about particular incidents involving her father because “it affects my siblings and my whole family.”
Williams, the youngest of her four siblings, said, “It was horrible before that.
She resisted giving specifics, but she did recall the moment when a teacher asked her about her family and it first occurred to her that something wasn’t right.
She was just 8 years old when her teacher inquired if she was hungry, and she responded in the affirmative. She said that she hadn’t eaten breakfast since “we just didn’t have any breakfast” when the teacher pressed further.
Williams eventually admitted to the teacher that she and her siblings frequently skipped breakfast.
Williams remarked, “They were asking the correct questions,” as she sobbed during the interview. Although I was surrounded by a lot of people who loved and cared about me, I was never given the chance to fully express my problems by being asked the right questions.
Williams’ mother and siblings showed up at school after the conversation with her teacher.
It was extremely difficult because I still yearned to struggle and protest, “No! These are not terrible things! You’re attempting to separate me from my father, and that’s wrong. because I was sort of indoctrinated.
Williams expressed that she felt her “whole world flipped on its head” that day, sharing that while it felt good to get away from her father, she knew it felt against everything she “knew to be true.”
Years later, the actress revealed a change of perspective on her father and childhood and a wish to quit taking things personally. She described her family situation as kind of a “cult.”
“If I hadn’t been there, someone else would have done it. These things happened to me as a child, not because I’m flawed in some way.
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