Nothing Phone 1

The disappointing mysteries of the Glyph UI are revealed by the Nothing Phone 1 breakdown.

Here, adhesive aesthetics are paramount.

This year’s smartphone market darling has traditionally been the Nothing Phone 1. It’s carved a very odd, but attractive niche out for itself and has left fanatics in America wants. In our assessment, we referred to it as an illustration of “luxury design meets midrange everything else.” However, how exactly did the design team do what they achieved? The YouTuber behind JerryRigEverything, Zack Nelson, has chosen to resume his durability test and try something a bit new this time.

In a previous video, Nelson literally took a crack at the Nothing Phone 1, making some commonplace discoveries (glass is rated a 6 on the Mohs scale of hardness) as well as some amazing ones (what’s with all those cracking sounds?). and from PBKreviews, we already knew that it was a disaster that repair shops had to deal with.

We’re now peeling back the layers, if you will, to discover what inspired the layout of the LED strips that make up the Glyph interface’s backside. Before continuing, we strongly advise you to watch the video (and Nelson’s enthusiastic endorsement for a dinosaur movie we won’t name here). Yes, a spoiler alert is in order.

Okay, what’s the quick response? Adhesive. The only method of attachment for the panels that make up the rear surface where the cover glass meets the chassis is with strips of adhesive, which is not the most reliable or long-lasting way to keep things in place. Even the diffuser strips that surround the Glyph LEDs are only secured in place with extremely accurate adhesive tape. Now, if you choose that treatment, it will be one seriously altered appearance. Or perhaps you could customize it by using a different filament color. We could use some assistance from those with factory-level equipment, perhaps.

Since we aren’t the ones manufacturing the phone in this case, don’t hold it against us if Nothing decides to void your warranty. However, if you enjoy tinkering, you now have a new excuse to explore your shiny new phone.
