5 Leadership Qualities Every Professional Should Cultivate: Stephen Scoggins’ Expert Advice

Leadership is not a birthright, it is a quality that can be developed and honed over time. Stephen Scoggins, a renowned leadership expert, believes that leadership is not limited to famous individuals or those at the top of organizations, but rather it can be found in anyone, anywhere. Whether you are a cashier, a stock clerk, or an intern, you can cultivate the qualities of great leaders and prepare yourself for greater levels of leadership in the future.

In this article, Scoggins shares the five essential qualities of effective leaders that anyone can develop.

  1. Accept Responsibility and Give Away Credit One of the defining traits of great leaders is their ability to take responsibility for their team and organization. Rather than blaming others, they hold themselves accountable and take responsibility for their actions. At the same time, they give credit to their team members for their successes, rather than seeking recognition and credit for themselves.
  2. Build Trust Through Empathy Scoggins emphasizes the importance of empathy in leadership. Great leaders build trust and rapport with their team by understanding their concerns, values, and behaviors. They avoid criticism unless necessary and focus on creating a culture where their team feels valued and heard.
  3. Be Firm, Fair, and Attentive Clarity is key to great leadership. Leaders must be firm in setting expectations and hold their team accountable, while being fair in treating everyone consistently. They must also be attentive to the needs and dynamics of their team, and adjust their approach as necessary.
  4. Continuously Grow Yourself to Grow Others Scoggins believes that growth is a universal quality of great leaders. The best leaders are constantly seeking to learn and grow, and in turn, help their team members grow as well. They understand that in order to be a great leader, they must continuously improve themselves.
  5. Listen First, Speak Last Finally, Scoggins highlights the importance of listening in leadership. Great leaders believe in the brilliance of those around them and prioritize hearing their thoughts and ideas. Rather than dominating conversations, they encourage diversity of thought and seek input from their team members.

Scoggins concludes that with these five qualities, anyone can develop their leadership skills and become a great leader. By cultivating these qualities and focusing on growth, you can prepare yourself for greater levels of leadership in your future.
