Flaunt Weeekly A recent rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders in Kenosha, Wisconsin, drew widespread backlash after trans-musician Laura Jane Grace performed a song…
A recent rally held by Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders, sparked widespread backlash after a trans-musician performed a song mocking God, which included pornagraphic language in its lyrical content.According to The Christian Post, 44-year-old singer and guitarist for the punk bandAgainst Me!Laura Jane Grace, posted thevideoof the performance, which took place duringSander’srally in Kenosha, Wisconsin last Friday.
Christians on social media expressed outrage over the song, which mocks God and Jesus with pornographic references to genitalia, sodomy andother sexual acts in itslyrics. Additionally, some Christians said the performance was further evidence that the Democratic Party hasbeen given overto demonic evil and sexual depravity.
“This is who the Democrats are now. Pure evil,“said conservative activist Robbie Starbuck, whose post about the song has sincebeen viewedover 5 million times.“Other lyrics are somehow even more grotesque and anti-Christian. These people are insane.”
“Bernie Sanders is a lunatic and anti-Christian. Yes, this was at Bernie’srally,“he added.
Starbuck also mentioned that there were kidsin therally’sattendanceand that Sanders laterthankedGrace for the musical contribution.
Author and conservative host Eric Metaxas also denounced the song as overtly satanic.
“The Democrats have openly sided with Satan in pornographically mocking God. For those politically on the fence, do you get it NOW?“he wrote.“Bernie THANKED the singer afterthis ‘performance.‘Does your pastor pretend how you votedoesn’treallymatter?”
Meanwhile, Commentator and Newsmax TV host Todd Starnes said Grace“sang one of the most profane and disgraceful songs about Christianity and Almighty God. It was utter garbage.”
“One dayChrist-hatingDemocrats like Bernie and his transgender pal will stand before [the] great judgment throne to answer for this filth. God will notbe mocked,“he added.
In a 2012profilefor Rolling Stone, Grace, who was born Thomas James Gabel, publicly announced his transgender identity. The article noted that Grace, who suffered from gender dysphoria as a young teenager, would pray to God and the devil for a female body.
“Some days, he would pray to God:‘Dear God, please, when I wake up, I want a female body.‘Other timeshe’dtry the devil:‘I promise to spend the rest of my life as a serial killer if you turn me into a woman,’“Rolling Stone stated, quoting the musician.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/laurajanegrace
Originally published March 11, 2025.