Dad Mabus – Affairs Owangsa, 3.0 Re-Visit ftQe, Sabza Womequisage, Ama Grotman, Nutty O & Boylee

Dad Mabus – Affairs Owangsa, 3.0 Re-Visit ftQe, Sabza Womequisage, Ama Grotman, Nutty O & Boylee

Flaunt Weeekly

South African hit-maker and performer, Da holesis back with a brand new track that is sure to get you moving. The song, titled “Umama Owangizalayo 3.0 Re-Visit“is a must-listen for fans of Afrobeat and dance music alike.

Featuring vocal contributions from a talented lineup of artists including SoulQue, Sabza womqulo, Ama Grootman, Nutty O and Bouyleethis track is a true collaboration of musical talent.

With its infectious beat and catchy lyrics, “Umama Owangizalayo 3.0 Re-Visit” is a song that will have you hitting the repeat button over and over again. Da Mabusa’s signature sound shines through on this track, showcasing why he is one of the most exciting artists in the industry right now.

So don’t wait any longer – add “Umama Owangizalayo 3.0 Re-Visit” to your Playlist today and get ready to dance the night away!
