Florence Pugh

‘Don’t Worry, Darling,’ despite Florence Pugh’s fearless performance, isn’t a major Oscar contender.

If Harry Styles is looking for Oscar consideration, ‘My Policeman’ is a better bet.

There’s no denying Olivia Wilde can direct a movie like no other. And in her most recent behind-the-scenes project, “Don’t Worry Darling,” the actress turned filmmaker creates a sexy and suspenseful thriller.

It’s a film that should appeal to moviegoers, who may come to see Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, and Chris Pine in a cast that’s easy on the eyes. At the very least, it’s a film that will continue to generate a lot of buzz (there have already been a lot of pre-release headlines, some of which are even about the movie itself). However, like most popcorn thrillers, the chances of the Academy voting for it are as remote as the film’s attempt to make Harry Styles look unattractive in one crucial scene. Nice try, but I’m not convinced.

The result is a smorgasbord of high-octane thrillers akin to “Gone Girl” (2014), which received a single nomination for its lead actress Rosamund Pike. Pugh, a previous “Little Women” nominee, plays a suburban wife who begins to doubt her reality, and while there will be cheerleaders for her, the script’s flaws will keep her on the outside looking in.

Arianne Phillips’ glamorous costumes and cinematographer Matthew Libatique’s sensual framing are likely to win Oscars. Even those appear to be difficult tasks for Warner Bros., the film’s production company.

The cast is full of talented performers and A-list celebrities. As a mysterious guru-like figure, Pine does the best work of the supporting cast, while Styles proves he can act. However, depending on his category placement, Styles is more likely to be recognised for his understated performance in Amazon Studios’ “My Policeman.”

And Wilde doesn’t just prove she’s a great director. She reminds viewers that when given the right role, she is a fantastic actress. Wilde has a few standout scenes as a cocktail-swilling neighbour with her own dark secrets. She won’t be nominated, but it’s great to see her return to form after her underappreciated work in “Meadowland.”

Bottom line: “Don’t Worry, Darling” can be crossed off your Oscar wish lists.
