Google Chrome

There is a serious flaw in Google Chrome, and you need to upgrade immediately.

And by now, we really mean it.

The worst kind of Google Chrome bug has been identified: It’s not only risky; hackers are actively using it as a weakness.

The update will upgrade your Chrome to version 104.0.5112.101 on Mac and Linux and version 104.0.5112.102/101 on Windows. Google published a fix earlier this week. If it hasn’t already been installed on your Chrome, you may (and should) start the update right now by visiting the “About” menu in Chrome.

Since the firm normally withholds problem specifics until the majority of users have updated their software, not much was disclosed by the corporation regarding the most important issue, which is one of 11 security updates included with this version.

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We do, however, know that it has to do with “insufficient validation of untrusted input in Intents,” which, in accordance with Dark Reading, may cause, among other issues, a malicious website to execute arbitrary code on your computer.

The frightening thing, though, is that Google claims to be “aware that an attack for CVE-2022-2856 exists in the wild.” You should upgrade your Chrome as soon as you can because this indicates that malicious hackers are making use of the problem.
