Most people have thought of starting a business in their lives. However, planning and actualizing those plans are two different things. While you sit and list all the reasons you think you can’t, someone else out there is failing and succeeding again. That’s the story of serial entrepreneurs Trevor Cowley and Kale Goodman.
Goodman and Cowley have built multiple 8-figure businesses over the past 10+ years despite not coming from business backgrounds. The businesses include high-ticketing call centers, Forex, and a small business funding company. The latter transformed into Easier Accounting and 60-Day Credit Repair, both of which are headquartered in St. George, Utah.
The duo also owns the Real Business Owners LLC podcast and Instagram channel. There, they serve other business owners through content, information, and experience in building and scaling a business. They also do business training and mentorship. Business owners also interact with one another and create a network they can lean on and consult with.
On a personal level, Goodman and Cowley are both 7-figure earners. Their Real Business Owners LLC podcast ranks in the top 1% of existing business podcasts and has been featured on major publications like Forbes. Even though that is a considerable success, the duo has had their fair share of problems since they began their entrepreneurship journey. Overcoming the challenges has taught them several things.
One, perseverance is a value every business owner must possess. When the partnership between Goodman and Cowley began, they had to start from nothing. Goodman’s former partner had bled the account to $0 and accrued $66K in credit card debt. They had to work consistently to find stable ground and grow.
That led to principle number two. According to these business owners, no experience is ever lost. Through navigating the trying times, they built the strength that’s seen them through the last 10 years. They gained experience and strength. As they say, “Climbing out of a negative situation brings power.”
Three, wealth is more than having a lot of money. While making thousands of dollars may be your primary reason for starting a business, you also need to consider your quality of life. Goodman says that should include who you’re surrounded by and achieving success outside of business.
Four, personal branding matters. Goodman says, “In business, you have to focus on yourself; you have to focus on who you are. Be strategic about who you are building yourself to be and what your true intentions are to build something great.” You are the pulse of your business.
Five, nobody can do the work for you. You must be willing to put yourself out there if you want to succeed. Go where others are hesitant to go. Say “yes” to things and try them out. Don’t let fear hold you back from your dreams. Tune out the critics and conquer your fears.
Six, you need people you can look up to. However, don’t just aspire to achieve a net worth like theirs. According to Cowley, the habits of the successful will teach you more than what they have. He adds, “People need to take a step back and think about what that person did over a long time to get to where they are. Acquire the habits of the successful individuals, follow those habits, and watch yourself evolve and grow.”
Success follows a process, and Cowley and Goodman prove that. They continue to share their experiences and wisdom with the hope of positively impacting the marketplace.