Calypso icon and member of the musical Blackman family Abbi Blackman narrowly escaped a…

Calypso icon and member of the musical Blackman family Abbi Blackman narrowly escaped a…

Flaunt Weeekly

Ca­lyp­so icon and mem­ber of the mu­si­cal Black­man fam­i­ly Ab­bi Black­man nar­row­ly es­caped a rob­bery at­tempt late Tues­day night in Mar­aval.

Po­lice said around 10 pm, of­fi­cers Cpl Rahim, PC Con­liff, and WPC Pas­cual Med­i­na were on pa­trol near the KFC park­ing lot on Sad­dle Road when they no­ticed sus­pi­cious ac­tiv­i­ty. They saw Black­man, who was seat­ed in her sil­ver Kia Sportage, and two men near her ve­hi­cle.

Of­fi­cers ob­served a sil­ver Hyundai Elantra block­ing Black­man’s ve­hi­cle with a third man seat­ed in­side the Elantra. The of­fi­cers im­me­di­ate­ly ap­proached and re­alised the two men were ac­cost­ing Black­man and de­mand­ing her car keys.

One of the sus­pects al­leged­ly grabbed Black­man, 60, by the neck and took her car keys be­fore flee­ing on foot as of­fi­cers raced to­wards the scene. De­spite of­fi­cers giv­ing chase, the two sus­pects man­aged to elude cap­ture, scal­ing a wire fence. How­ev­er, po­lice of­fi­cers ar­rest­ed the dri­ver of the Elantra. Fur­ther in­ves­ti­ga­tion re­vealed that the car’s li­cense plate was false.

Po­lice said the case re­mains un­der ac­tive in­ves­ti­ga­tion led by WPC Pas­cual Med­i­na.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion is urged to con­tact the po­lice as they con­tin­ue to pur­sue leads in the at­tempt­ed rob­bery. – Rhon­dor Dowlat
