Construction to employ 2.67m people by 2027

Construction to employ 2.67m people by 2027

The projections will mean by 2027 the number of people working in construction will be 2.67m.

CITB’s annual Construction Skills Network (CSN) report shows that 44,980 new workers a year will be needed to meet UK construction demand between now and 2027 as the industry recovers from recession this year.

Construction is expected to remain a sector where there is demand for workers despite the current economic uncertainty.

Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive said: “The latest CSN report clearly shows that despite current economic uncertainty, recruiting and developing the workforce remains vital to ensure the industry can contribute to economic growth.

“We know the next 18 months won’t be easy, however, I remain inspired by the construction industry’s resilience shown in the pandemic and throughout 2022.

“In short, it makes clear that the need to recruit and retain talent in the sector has never been greater.”

For details of the full report click here.

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