Virgo Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope For September 2022


Dear Sir/Madame,

September has a lot of sparkling aspects, but my favourite is the full moon in Pisces on September 10, which will be active for five days after it appears as the full moon gently wanes. When reading my September forecast, keep your Sun and rising signs in mind, as we all have two charts. In any case, read up on the full moon and plan to take advantage of it!

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Consider your NFT purchase to be similar to purchasing a painting (which you are), but you will have an unrestricted licence to the NFT image (not the name) for the duration of your ownership of the NFT. You are primarily purchasing your NFT as a ticket to a VIP Astrology Zone community in order to gain access to my exclusive NFT-only events. Our first meeting was a audio event for all participants last month. I really enjoy hearing your voices. Our next event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13 at Noon EDT. Please bring your NFT and join us!


Your horoscope is very bright, with many happy planets preparing for your glorious, financially generous months ahead. It’s your birthday, and to help you celebrate, the mighty Sun and new moon appeared late last month in Virgo on August 27, and that new moon will be your ticket to a bright new path.

Every year, one new moon occurs in our own birth sign, and the one that occurred on August 27 was yours. Normally, I will tell you how to best use that month’s new moon, but this time, at the annual new moon in your own sign of Virgo, things are different because you get to decide what you want to do. What dream do you have in your heart that you would like to see come true, Virgo? Use the potent energy of the new moon to take a step toward achieving your goal. Astrology is all about timing, and now is the time to take a big or small step—the choice is yours. The goal is to get closer to realising your dream.

Mercury is your ruling planet, as well as the ruler of the new moon in Virgo, which occurs at 3 degrees. That means Mercury played a significant role in the new moon. Fortunately, Mars, the great action planet, is perfectly aligned with transiting Mercury in Libra. Mars will give you the determination and energy to pursue your goals—you will sense that this is the right time to do so. You will also receive elegant rays from transformative Pluto, which is located in your fifth house of love, pregnancy, and children, and this area of your astrological chart also governs your creativity. One of these areas will be important to you and will assist you in transforming your life into the one you envision.
