Android 13

With the final beta version, Android 13 moves closer to being released.

Android 13 is not as big as Android 12, which was a monster.

Google is making quick progress on the next version of Android. The company announced yesterday that beta 4 of Android 13 is the “final” beta and that the official release is “coming in the coming weeks.”

After Android 12’s big changes, Android 13 seems to be a smaller update with a focus on tablet features and improvements. A lot of Android 13 is building on the work from Android 12 and the tablet-focused mini-release, Android 12L. There are more color options for Material You and more changes to the new media player for notifications. The tablet interface has a new button for the taskbar that opens an app drawer. It also lets you drag and drop notifications between two screens. With a foreground app task manager and new permission that makes apps ask for notification access, you have more control over apps. Under the hood, there is a lot of power for virtualization and Bluetooth LE Audio support. Even a standard QR Code reader is now available.

Android 13 has been done for a while, so this new release only fixes bugs. Google says that the Play Store is ready to accept apps that work with Android 13. If you have a new Pixel phone, you can sign up for the beta at

As for the final release, the last beta version of Android 12 came out in September, and the final source code was made available a month later, in October. Google waited to release the official builds until the Pixel 6 came out. No one knows how Android 13 will be handled when it comes out. The final release date on Google’s timeline is always left open on purpose.
